
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Anaerobic ..Ability

Anaerobic Ability

Anaerobic means without oxygen. This is in contrast to aerobic which means with oxygen. These both refer to energy pathways within the body where oxygen is either used or not used for the energy demands. The funny thing is that anaerobic exercise often makes you breath much harder.
The benefits of anaerobic training include that in a shorter time period you can get a better workout one that builds strength as well as typically boosts beneficial hormones. Plus the important thing to note is that anaerobic ability transfer over really well to aerobic ability, but it doesn't work the opposite way.

I do some anaerobic conditioning but not all that much. It really depends on what my goals are at the time. A favorite of mine is hill sprints but I'm not currently doing those.
Now this would qualify as a metabolic conditioning. But what am I doing? I'm taking a strength exercise, something that most people cannot do a single time, and just extending how far I can go with it. Very different from how most people approach conditioning.

Want to last a long time when sparring in martial arts? Learn to relax. Doing all the conditioning in the world won't help you that much if you never learn this. Even though I am in really good shape, if I rolled around with even a decent person in jiu jistu, even if that person didn't condition at all, I would probably get winded and they wouldn't. This is because I would be making inefficient movements, fighting against myself, and they would not be.
Want to run that marathon? Make sure you can have a level of relaxation and efficiency in your stride. Want to get a good time on your CrossFit workout? You can't blow all your energy on the first set. Relax in each movement and as you move from one to the next.
If you want to get great results work on breath control and mediation here is a blog i did 

Solar Plexus and Meditation

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