
Friday, July 18, 2014

Pre-Workout Formula

Hercules Pre-Workout Formula:
The Herbal Blend to
Stimulate Your Strength and Power

I workout almost daily and I’m always looking for the edge.
As a kid I was extremely weak and scrawny. There’s a time when I couldn’t do a pushup. Then about ten years I found out about real, functional training.
Since that time I’ve done all manners of bodyweight training, kettlebells and heavy lifting. I’m known as a strongman for my many feats of strength and endurance, including pulling a fire truck by my hair, supporting half a ton in a wrestler’s bridge, doing 300 snatches in 10 minute with a 53 lb. kettlebell and much more.
And I’m just getting started. Over the past year I’ve been testing and using a formula that has been a big aid in my training. This is something that is very different from what is out there…
Hercules Pre Workout Formula

Hercules Pre-Workout Formula100 Gram Bag – $49.95On Sale – $39.95

Most Bodybuilding Supplements are Filled with Synthetic Chemicals

Most don’t even work. But some do. Still do you want to be taking something filled with artificial colors and chemical sweeteners? Here’s just some details on what those “colors” can deliver to you.
Nothing you ingest should be this color!
Citrus Red 2, Red 3, Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 1, Blue 2 and Green 3, — which include some of the most commonly used synthetic food dyes — have been identified as being, or being contaminated with, potential cancer-causing chemicals. Good luck finding a pre-workout supplement at GNC that isn’t bright blue or some neon, almost radioactive color.
Many years ago I trained at a commercial gym, doing bodybuilding and slugging down protein powders and the latest supplements promising to pack on muscle and increase explosive strength.
I got away from all that as I turned towards real functional training. But since experimenting with the superior herbs I found there was another path.
Tons of people have reported great workout results using some of our herbs likeAnt and Phoenix. But I wanted something that could fully make you feel powerful. I wanted something that made you feel like HERCULES.
After much testing and tweaking, we’re happy to announce it is here!

What’s Inside Hercules Formula?

I had already been using Polyrhachis Ant Extract as a pre-workout supplement for some time. This tonic herb from China has a great reputation for providing instant energy and being potent for sexual health.
ant lifting
It has absorbable ATP to directly fuel your cells. It is known as a greater Qi tonic than even the much better known ginseng. As the top qi herb, ant delivers usable energy for your workout.
It’s the highest concentration of zinc from any food, a necessary nutrient needed for muscle contraction, about 300 enzymatic reactions, a large component of the creation of semen in men, and much more.
For training you also want a Yang Jing herb to help deliver that driving force. Enter Cistanche. This herbs is sometimes called “cistanche in your pants” as it is said to not only increase sexual potency but even size. You can see it even has a phallic shape.
As discussed with top herbalists the yang energy needed for sex is the same as for working out. Thus, a top yang jing herb like cistanche is crucial for this blend. It was when I added this herb to the blend I had going that I hit my first ever 1000 lb. lift. Only a partial I did 170 lbs. more than I had the last time I attempted this lift. That’s quite a PR.The next part was to include a yin jing herb, something that would support the body in recovery after the workout was over. I choose Maral Root. Although few people in the west are aware of this herb it has a fairly extensive history in Russia and the surrounding areas.
It was even prescribed to Russian athletes to help recover from hard workouts. It also contains novel plant steroids said to help build lean muscle mass, increase work capacity as well as a host of other benefits. This one herb is a great “workout formula” by itself, but added to this blend you get even more.

Niacin: The Delivery Vehicle

The only none herbal ingredient in this blend is a small amount of niacin, or vitamin B3. This is include for the vaso-dilation and flushing effect that helps to deliver all the other herbs into your cells. Because of these effects, a little niacin acts as a delivery system, delivering whatever you take it with into the cells quicker and better, than when taken alone. This is why I focused on using it with all the herbs.
Niacin is very safe even in large amounts, and there is only about 35mg per Hercules serving. In fact, niacin has a host of other benefits including lowering cholesterol, improving endothelial function, neuroprotective effects, and more. In fact it plays a role in over 500 reactions in the body. Most people get enough of it to prevent the diseases of deficiency but not enough for optimal health.

Take 15 Minutes Before Your Workout and Feel the POWER

This blend is a mix of herbs with the right amount of niacin. No fake colors, no added flavors. Nothing else. For this reason it doesn’t taste great, but then powerful herbs seldom do. In fact, I’ll be honest with you, its pretty bad. That’s what happens with powerful herbs and no sweeteners.
Just mix 1 tablespoon into a glass of water and down it quickly.
In the future we’ll have this available in pill form, but for now you’ll have to tough it out. Believe me, its worth it!
Not only will Hercules Pre-Workout Formula help your workouts but you’ll likely discover lots of side effects…beneficial ones. These herbs increase antioxidant capabilities, help with sex in many ways, modulate the immune system, support anti-gaining and so much more.

Hercules Pre-Workout Formula100 Gram Bag – $49.95On Sale – $39.95

Only take before your workouts, not on off or rest days.

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