What Could You Accomplish if Your Brain Worked 100% All the Time?
If you’ve seen the movie Limitless, you may know what we’re going for. For all intents and purposes a “loser” starts taking a drug known as NZT and his brain starts working so much better. He writes a novel within a couple days, he improves relationships with people, he becomes a day trader to make loads of money and much more. Of course some drama ensues.
“I wasn’t high. I wasn’t wired. Just clear. I knew what I needed to do and how to do it.”
Ever since watching that movie I wanted NZT. Of course it’s a fictional drug, but I knew there were methods and nutrients that could improve your brain and thinking skills. This blend of six herbs is my first shot towards that aim.
Exclusively using potent extracts of natural herbs, not isolated compounds, you get the beneficial cognitive enhancement effects as well as other beneficial side effects.
The Apollo Mental Formula contains Rhodiola, Gotu Kola, Bacopa, Mucuna, Shisandra, Lion’s Mane and Polygala. It’s not NZT, but it will help activate your brain and nervous system.

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